Comparing Crime Rates
In comparing crime rates between different countries, there are a number of reasons why one should be cautious. Some of these reasons are, differences in criminal justice systems, differing rates at which crimes are reported by victims and recorded by police, crime reporting systems and counting methods, definitions, and data quality. As such, for any meaningful comparison to be made in the crime statistics of different countries, it is imperative to take these difficulties in to consideration. In order to make these comparison effectively, it would not be wise to rely on the officially recorded crime levels because of the inherent unreliability that would be found in certain crime reporting systems. Definitions and data quality also presents a major challenge in the attempt to compare the crime data among different countries. Discrepancies may arise in the representation of the actual crime scenarios as well as gaps in information leading to unreliable or inconclusive data.
The motor vehicle theft rate per 100,000 of population was reported in Japan to be at 76.9 in 2010 while in America, the motor vehicle theft rate in the same year stood at 237.5 per 100,000 of population. Certain factors are definitely responsible for this significant difference in auto theft rates between Japan and the United States. One reason for this difference might be the cultural differences that exist between the Japanese and Americans There is much greater emphasis on societal cohesion and harmony in Japan with family values and honor being highly regarded, therefore crime or any action that would bring dishonor to the family or other social unit is highly likely to be avoided in as opposed to America where society is more free willed. Another major factor is also the strict gun-control laws in Japan as opposed to United States. Crimes in which guns would have been used, including auto theft, are therefore significantly reduced